Udacity Responsive Web Design

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Web Foundations (Project 1: BUILD A PORTFOLIO SITE) Learn the building blocks of the web - HTML and CSS! Learning how to effectively create the structure of a website using semantic HTML. Movieicon 2 9 40. Then style a website with CSS and responsive design. JavaScript and the DOM (Project 2: MEMORY GAME) Use JavaScript to control a webpage!

HTML comment Tag: Main Tips

98 videos Play all Responsive Web Design Fundamentals Udacity; Bulma CSS Framework - 3. Responsive Helpers & Viewport Display Modes - Duration: 5:47. Rocky DeRaze 2,289 views. Mobile Web Specialist Nanodegree. This site contains my study notes and project submissions for: Udacity's Mobile Web Specialist Nanodegree Program by Google. The program is divided into three stages each taking approximately 2 months to complete. Stage 1 - Accessible & Responsive Web Apps; Stage 2 - Dynamic & Offline Web Apps; Stage 3. SpringPeople is a leading enterprise training & certification provider for latest technologies like cloud, big data & more. Processtimer 1 7 4 – display cpu utilization and more. They offer Online Classroom Live training. Quiver 3 2.

  • The is an HTML comment tag.
  • To comment out in HTML, insert information between tags (browsers won't show these notes).
  • Commenting in HTML allows developers to leave notes about their code, its functionality or to indicate necessary changes for the future.
  • Simplistic design (no unnecessary information)
  • High-quality courses (even the free ones)
  • Variety of features
Main Features
  • Nanodegree programs
  • Suitable for enterprises
  • Paid certificates of completion
  • Professional service
  • Flexible timetables
  • A variety of features to choose from
Main Features
  • Professional certificates of completion
  • University-level courses
  • Multiple Online degree programs
  • Great user experience
  • Offers quality content
  • Very transparent with their pricing
Main Features
  • Free certificates of completion
  • Focused on data science skills
  • Flexible learning timetable

Commenting in HTML

Udacity Responsive Web Design

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This HTML comment tag incorporates a comment in the source code of the HTML document. The example below adds a comment HTML:

In some cases, you might need to make HTML comment out notes in multiple lines. Use the following code to learn how to comment out HTML multi-line comments (or block comments):

Note: there used to be an HTML tag, but it is not supported by any modern browser. Don't use it to hide your comments.

Browser Support


Udacity Home

This HTML comment tag incorporates a comment in the source code of the HTML document. The example below adds a comment HTML:

In some cases, you might need to make HTML comment out notes in multiple lines. Use the following code to learn how to comment out HTML multi-line comments (or block comments):

Note: there used to be an HTML tag, but it is not supported by any modern browser. Don't use it to hide your comments.

Browser Support


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Udacity Responsive Web Design Certification


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